You may experience some or all of these after your surgery. They are a part of the normal healing process. You are always welcome to call our office with any questions or concerns.
Click on the appropriate question below or scroll down on the webpage for answers to these questions or concerns:
1. Swelling
Initially after surgery you will have increased blood flow and expansion of the tissues. The swelling will persist for two to four weeks.
2. Brusing
You may have a small to moderate amount of bruising secondary to the trauma of surgery. With time the bruising will disappear.
3. Scarring
Scarring is a part of the normal healing process. Everyone heals differently. If you notice thickened or hypertrophic scars you should inquire about steroid injections into the scar.
4. Itching
Normally healing wound often itch. Do not be alarmed unless it is associated with a rash or shortness of breath.
Click here for a more detailed description of microsurgery.
5. Hyperpigmentation
During the healing process melanocytes (cells which produce skin pigment, called melanin) are called to the site of the healing wound. Therefore, any scar may heal with a darker color than the surrounding skin. The color of the skin should stabilize within a year. Darker skin naturally contains more melanocytes and therefore may heal with even darker scars.
6. Asymmetry
Almost all women have breasts which are slightly different in size and shape. It is also typical to expect a degree of asymmetry (difference) between the reconstructed and normal breast, regardless of the reconstructive procedure or surgeon.
7. Drainage
The drains usually are ready for removal when you have 20cc or less output in a 24 hour period.
8. Pain
Pain is to be expected after surgery and will normally improve with time. However, if the intensity of the pain continues to increase, please call our office.
9. Fatigue
You may feel tired and drained after surgery. During the recovery period your strength will return.
10. Firmness
Initially after surgery your breast will feel firm, but with time and use of the special bra they will soften.